Sandy's Online Journal

Are we the dining dead?

Monday, March 15

Relaxed, yet Stressed

I have a midterm tomorrow. I have another midterm on Wednesday. Yet I am posting to my web log. Hmm.

I am at a tiredly happy stage where I do not feel much like studying. I never really feel like studying but now is especially bad. Yoga is great, yoga is evil.

My was long and good. Community Psychology was interesting, English was very interesting (Floyd Salas...I must remember to read more of his work), hassling with the Tang Center and Ariel raised my blood pressure, Developmental Psychology was informative, and Health Worker section was fun. My Psych 140 review session was helpful once I moved to the front to hear what they were saying, and I enjoyed talking to Karla/semi-studying afterward.

So here I am. Typing away. Must study. Must repeat things to myself so I learn them. Midterm at 11:00 AM. Midterm #2 at 2:00 PM on Wednesday.

I will quote Floyd Salas by saying that I need to "get in the mood." So perhaps that is my excuse. A little writing, a little Snood. In the mood. He also said something very quote-worthy: "Poetry is like having an orgasm. Something turns you on and you cum on paper." An interesting note to end on...


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