Sandy's Online Journal

Are we the dining dead?

Thursday, October 24

The Tastiness of College

When things slow down and I actually have an opportunity to enjoy the scenery of college, it can be quite good. Last night, I had the wonderful opportunity to hear Jackson Katz present his anti-sexism lecture entitled "More Than a Few Good Men." It was incredibly inspiring, empowering, and downright femsexy. Also, this evening, I attended an informal talk with Jennifer Weiner, author of the two great books Good in Bed and In Her Shoes. It was not as inspiring as Jackson Katz, who is my new hero, but still a nice experience.

Oh yeah, my point. I love that these things are so readily offered on and around college campuses. I can't imagine life any other way. The intellectual stimulation of everything around me is just what I need to renew my interest in academics (especially after being barraged with midterms last week). So, on that note, I am going to go to bed...the second in a series of nights during which I have been getting a decent amount of sleep.

P.S. Punk-Drunk Love was "eh," in the true sense of the word. Cute and funny, though not mindblowing like Magnolia, which was to be expected. I am still looking forward to seeing Spirited Away, Bowling for Columbine, and Moonlight Mile.

P.S.#2 I am now an intended Psychology and American Studies double major. Wish me luck!


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