Sandy's Online Journal

Are we the dining dead?

Sunday, September 26


I just ate Yoplait yogurt and, for the first time, did not save the pink lid. I couldn't do it. I'm sick of having little pink crumpled lids all around my desk and in the nooks of my backpack. So, this one time, I threw it away. I generally do save them, though. I've probably sent in at least 10 in my lifetime.

The weekend was good because there was little work involved. On Friday I did laundry, cleaned up, and watched lots of tasty Law & Order. On Saturday I woke up, went to Urgent Care at the Tang Center, and was informed that they cannot yet medicate me for my Upper Respiratory Infection (URI). If I wait it out without medicine it will turn into bronchitis and then it will be an issue. (And the reason it turned into bronchitis for Ariel is probably because he's a smoker.) The nurse was pretty rude and I realized that the thing I hate about medical offices is that you're always trying to prove why you're there, like it's worth their time. And it turned out that I wasn't worth their time since my disease hadn't progressed far enough. Sorry!

So then I finished watching Star Wars, slept for a good couple of hours, and headed home for the Antioch Rivertown Jamboree. Wow, I'm quite surprised they actually have a web site. I'm sorry, Antioch, for underestimating you. The Jamboree was kind of sad--small as usual. I did have a tasty tri-tip sandwich, though. And then Saturday night I visited Ryan at St. Mary's (nice room, buddy) and then went to breakfast this morning (buckwheat pancakes were...interesting), slept some more, worked on some GRE words, and went to the park. The park is now unofficially closed for the season...we emptied out the green pool water and took down the two remaining EZ-Ups.

And then there was a shopping extravaganza...starting with the hat store at the mall, and continuing on to Copeland's (yoga mat), Togo's (sandwich for dinner), Borders (book), and Ikea (hangers, garbage can, and an ice cube tray which, in the future, may be used with fruit punch to make red cross ice cubes--scary cute, I know).

And now that I have spent another evening doing all work but academic work, I must retire to bed. There lectures to attend but not pay attention to, you know. And Red Cross offices to claim. A big week lies ahead.

And Teddy will be here in 11 days!


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